Important Facts You Need to Know About When Removing a Tree

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There is a myriad of reasons why you may consider cutting your tree down. But not every tree you have will make it to being as healthy as you originally thought, so be sure to keep these most common reasons for cutting down trees in mind – as well as how to do it and what hazards you will avoid.

Important Facts You Need to Know About When Removing a Tree

Taking down a tree is a natural process that could improve the environment around the tree. Many of the reasons for removing a tree are because of the dangers to people, animals, or buildings that could be in the path of a falling tree. Removing a tree yourself allows you to take it down quickly, ensuring no one gets hurt and protecting the living things around it if you can.

Top Reasons for Removing a Tree

1 – To save nearby trees

When the tree is too old, diseased, or just dying, it can attract insects that will cause damage to other trees nearby. To ensure the health of other trees in the area, the damaged tree must be removed.

2 – To create more space

A tree that has grown too large can take up a lot of space in your yard, leaving little room to fit anything else. A good example of this would be a large tree that is blocking the sun, thereby damaging the grass and other plants beneath it.

3 – To eliminate safety risks

A weak or diseased tree can pose an extreme threat to people, animals, and buildings nearby. This is especially true if the tree is located in a populated area. It may be necessary to remove a tree that could pose a threat to people, animals, or buildings to avoid any unnecessary dangers.

4 – To improve the appearance of a property

Choosing to cut down a tree can become a necessity when it has started to die. This can result in a dying tree that may later become a safety risk or a tree that is dead but is still standing. You may also want to remove a tree because of the bad appearance it gives your home or business. The tree may be diseased, damaged, or even dead and no longer provide any benefits to the environment.

Knowing When You Can and Cannot Remove a Tree

When you are thinking about removing a tree, it is important to know your state’s laws. You may need to get a permit before you can cut down a tree on your property, and you may need to get a permit for a tree in a public area.

In some cases, you may not be able to remove a tree that is on public property. Each state has different regulations regarding the removal of public trees. Some cities have ordinances that public trees cannot be cut down unless the tree is dead or dying.

In other areas, you can remove public trees, such as trees around parks, public spaces, and public roadways.

Still, in some cases, if you are in a private area and someone else owns the land or the building, you may need to get permission to remove a tree on the property before you can do it.


There are many reasons why you may want to cut down a tree. From creating more space around the home and yard to reducing safety risks to improving the overall appearance, a tree can be removed for many reasons.  If you are unsure of how to go about this process, your best bet would be to contact a tree removal service to assist you. In addition, you may also need to take care of the stump, here are a few reasons why you might need to remove a tree stump.

If you are in need of a company that does tree removal, contact us at Porterfield Stump and Tree. We are a fully licensed and insured team of professionals that provide high-quality and safe tree removal, trimming, stump removal, health checkups, and a variety of other services for both commercial and residential customers.

There is a myriad of reasons why you may consider cutting your tree down. But not every tree you have will make it to being as healthy as you originally thought, so be sure to keep these most common reasons for cutting down trees in mind – as well as how to do it and what hazards you will avoid. Contact us today at 706-714-8733 or fill out our contact form and get your free estimate!