Red Flags That Says You Need to Hire Tree Removal Services

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Red Flags That Says You Need to Hire Tree Removal Services

Whether you like it or not, trees are a vital part of our property. Besides the cool shade that they provide during the hottest of days, they may also house some of the most tender creatures in our ecosystem, such as birds.

Now, as good as they are, there are also times when we may need to get rid of them. Yes, they provide a lot of good in our garden, but if we do not control or monitor our growth, they may also end up damaging our home.

Below are just some of the red flags your tree may show to indicate that you may need to hire professional tree removal services.

  1. Your Tree Has Fallen

This is perhaps the obvious one, but it is also the most dangerous one. There is no way around it. If your tree catches fire, it may become a liability to your property – not only posing a threat to your house but to the lives of your family members, too.

Tree removal services are the best ones to do the job since the situation requires it to be done in a timely fashion, minimizing the time for which your family is in danger.

  1. Your Tree Is Damaging Your Property

If you have a tree that is too close to your house, it may end up damaging your home. Whenever there is wind, it may damage the part of your house – especially if there are wooden frameworks. This can be avoided by just hiring a professional tree removal service to do it for you.

  1. Your Loved Ones May Get Hurt by Falling Branches

There is more than just your house that can get damaged by an overgrown tree – you might also end up hurting your loved ones. This can be prevented by hiring a professional that is well versed in tree pruning and removal.

  1. You Need To Reclaim Space

Now, while most people know what to do when they need to remove an overgrown tree, they are not exactly sure of what to do when they need to reclaim the space. This is where tree removal services come in.

They know exactly how to do it. All you have to do is call them up and tell them what you want; whether it is a basketball court or a grassy area, they know exactly how to reclaim it for you.

  1. You Want A Completely New Design

While most people are comfortable going for the standard lawn area, there are also those who can come up with a completely new design. This is where tree removal services come in.

While they may not be able to change the structure of your home, they can definitely go into the yard and give it a completely new look. It is a great solution, especially if you are working with a limited budget.

  1. Your Tree Needs To Be Replaced

There are not just times when you need to get rid of a tree. Sometimes, it will be necessary to replace it completely. This is especially true if the tree that you have is not the right one for the climate in your area. Working with professionals is your best bet for this.


While it is not difficult to get rid of a tree yourself, it is always a good idea to leave it to professionals – they know exactly how to do it. It is also a good solution, especially if you are a busy person yourself and you want to allocate your time towards other priorities.

If you are looking for a reliable tree removal company in Athens, GA, look no further than our expertise here at Porterfield Stump & Tree. We are a fully licensed and insured team of professionals that provide high quality and safe tree removal, trimming, stump removal, among other things. Call us today at 706-714-8733 and let us cut down the dangerous trees on your property in no time.